Can we reschedule?
It’s finally time — everything is ready: the chips are in the bowl, the dice are stacked on the table, the paper stacks are neatly laid out, and the pencils are sharpened to perfection.
Let’s roll for… wait. Where’s the barbarian? Last minute trombone practice? Again?! Seriously?
Ok, guys, sorry but… can we reschedule?
Welcome to a game where you’re not fighting dragons — you’re fighting schedules.
As the long-suffering GM, your epic quest is to wrangle your party’s chaotic lives into one, single, magical day when everyone is actually free to play D&D.
Flip through the yearbook, dig through your agenda, and scrutinize the academic calendar to uncover clues about each player’s availability.
Only then can you secure a game night — assuming nobody suddenly remembers a dentist appointment.
First check in the journal who are the players for the current month, then search them on the yearbook to find out what their activities are*.
Next cross-check the academic calendar for the activities days to find out what the shared free day might be among all of the players various commitments.
Lastly, when you think you have a match pin it into the calendar to find out if your guess was correct.
The goal is to play the campaign for a whole year.
But watch out: you can only guess wrong 3 times, after that you party will get tired of wrong scheduling and give up for good.
*Usage of old school pen and paper to keep track of everything is strongly encouraged. So is doodling next to names and/or activities.
J - Journal
C - Calendar
F - Yearbook
G - Activity Calendar
P - Pause Menu
H - Tutorial
Developed by:
Dyd, Haaaxee, Daniela, Daniele, Theoblend
Art by:
Game design by:
Music/Audio by:
Install instructions
1. Extract .zip file
2. Execute .exe file
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I'm clicking "tuesday the 2nd" every month... that's not quite how calendars work
Thanks for trying our game! We already knew that but we had some last minute problems handling dates, unfortunately. We plan to fix that in a future release, stay tuned!
completed with only 1 hit taken!!! adorable investigation game, it's way too realistic and actually easier than planning 1 single d&d session
(also ily olivia park i hope ur dreams come true)
Thanks and congrats for beating the game! We're all rooting for Olivia *_*
you uploaded the wrong game to html build
Hi : ) What do you mean by "wrong game to html build"? You can download two versions: windows/.love or you can just play the game straight from the browser. Let us know, cheers!
when i start the game in web it opens "Flavorfall" which is another jam game so it may be a client sided problem, i downloaded it and it's a great game with beatiful graphics!
Super weird... anyway, thanks a lot for playing our game! : )
i think it's a problem of the website, it happened to me too with another game :)
Yeah me too ! I have an other game (a game in which I have to click to set a bpm). I tried to upload my game with a html build and it also leads me to that other game.